Frequently Asked Questions concerning the use of fenugreek seeds in foods

Updated FAQ of BfR of 22 July 2011

The EHEC O104:H4 outbreak event in Germany in May and June 2011 has been clarified: there is a high probability that the underlying cause is attributable to fenugreek seeds imported from Egypt, which are contaminated by EHEC O104:H4 and with which sprouts were produced on a horticultural farm in Lower Saxony. The consumption of these sprouts then resulted in the diseases. In part there have also been secondary infections transmitted by humans.

Since fenugreek seeds are not only used in sprout production but also in other foods, including food supplements, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has compiled selected questions and answers relating to this topic.

In connection with the outbreak event BfR has published a lot of information. Downloads are available on


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