Emergency authorisations of plant protection products

FAQ of the  BfR from 10.09.2024

Maximum residue levels for residues of plant protection products on and in plant-based foods are set by the European Commission and are valid throughout Europe for the respective crop/active substance combination. Maximum residue levels are set on the basis of residue trials in accordance with good agricultural practice and are no health-based guidance values, as they are set according to the “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA) principle.

In the event of an exceptional situation, the national authorisation authorities (in Germany this is the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)) can grant an emergency authorisation for a crop/plant protection product combination upon request. The emergency authorisation is valid for a limited time period. In this exceptional case, it is possible for a maximum residue level set for Germany to deviate from the maximum residue levels set at the EU level.

This has now happened in Germany. An emergency authorisation has been granted for the treatment of stone fruit due to fungal infestation, which makes it necessary to set a national maximum residue level. The BfR has compiled questions and answers regarding the health risk assessment.

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